How to make Malai Peda

How to make Malai Peda

Peda is a sweet popular all over india, made with milk,sugar,paneer,maida


Paneer 250 gms
Condensed milk 200 gms
Sugar 5 tsp
Mlk powder 6 tsp
Maida1 1/2 tsp
Cardamom powder 2 tsp
Kesar strands

How to make Malai Peda

Grind the paneer in a mixer. Then add all the remaining
ingredients and grind till it is a smooth paste. In a nonstick pan,
heat the paste on low heat, stirring continuously till it leaves the
sides. It will form a lump. Use attractive molds to create pedas.
Add a pinch of caradamom powder in the mold and fill with

mixture. Unmold to get delicious Malai Peda.