Different Cooking Methods

Methods of cooking foods

Do you know while the correct preparation of ingredients and correct mixing are necessary, greater skill is needed in the actual cooking of the food. There different methods to prepare yummy foods.


Spit roasting: The food to be cooked is brought into direct contact with the flame of a clear, bright fire. The food is basted with fat and also turned regularly to ensure even cooking and browning. This method  , now known as split roasting, is not often used as only good quality
meats are suitable for it. Roast meats, however, have a very good flavor, and are still served in large hotel and in special restaurants and hotels, eg., as barbecued meat.

Oven RoastingThis has now taken the place of split roasting, because of its convenience, although only first class meat, poultry and vegetables are thus cooked. It is done in a closed oven with the aid of fat. The joint is raised out of the fat by means of bones or a trivet to prevent the meat from frying and becoming hard. Frequent basting, however, is  essential. The food is put into a fairly hot oven for 5 – 10 minutes and the temperature is lowered to allow the joint to be cooked through. Cooking in a moderate oven for a long time produces a better cooked joint than cooking at high temperature   for a short period. There is also less shrinkage. Therefore, more portion  can be obtained.  Aluminum  foil is now used in oven roasting. The joint is larded or browned  in fat. A matignon  [finely minced  2 medium carrots, 2 onion, 2sticks of celery (heart) , 1 tbsp ham, 1 spring thyme, half of a bay leaf and crushed and stewed in butter] may or may  not be used to cover he joint which is wrapped tightly in aluminum  foil and cooked in the oven till done. This method is an improvement on oven roasting as the meat retains its moisture and flavor.

Pot roasting:  This method   is used to cook small joints and birds if no oven is available,  but a thick heavy pan is essential . Enough fat is melted to cover the bottom of the pan. When the fat is hot the hot the joint is browned. It is then lifted out and 2 or 3 skewers are put into the pan, on which the joint is placed .this is to prevent the joint from sticking to the pan. The joint should just touch the fat. The pan is then covered tightly with a well-fitting lid and cooked over a very slow fire. The joint could be basted if lean and turned occasionally to ensure even cooking. Prepared root vegetables  and potatoes can also be cooked around the meat.

2) Baking   

The food be cooked is surrounded by hot air in a closed oven. The action of dry heat is modified by the steam which arises from the food whilst cooking. Bread, cakes, pastry, puddings, vegetables and potatoes may be cooked by thus method

3) Frying

This is a method of cooking whereby the food to be cooked is brought into contact with hot fat. Food cooked in this way is said to be indigestible, but of the method is correctly and carefully carried out, the food is quite suitable for normal people.

Advantages of frying

1) Fried food is very appetizing.
2) It is a quick method of cooking.
3) The keeping quality of fried food is strengthened.
It is however, an expensive method of cooking meat as only the best parts are suitable (chops, liver, etc.) For other foods and for reheating of food, frying is a good means of providing variety.

General rules for frying
1) Have the fire clear and hot.
2) Make the food into suitable sizes and shapes and that it is free from cracks.
3) Apply coating evenly. The breadcrumbs used should not be coarse. Remove any excess and firmly press on loose crumbs.
4) When frying chicken dry off all moisture before dipping in flour.
5) See that the temperature is not increased for increased output.
6) Follow a time and temperature chart

4) Boiling

Food is cooked by surrounding it with boiling or simmering liquid (stock or water). Only just sufficient liquid should be used to cover the food    to be cooked. TO retain nourishment and flavor in food, plunge into boiling liquid. Allow to reboil and then to simmer. The liquid thus obtained is known as “pot liquor” and contains some nourishment and flavor. This should not be wasted. It can be used as a substitute for stock when stock is not available or cooled and used to prepare stock. If a well-flavored stock is required, vegetables and meat should be put into cold water and allowed to cook gently. Salted or pickled meats should always be started in cold water.

   Generally speaking, vegetables grown above the ground are cooked in boiling salted water and vegetables grown below the ground are started in cold salted water with the exception of new potatoes and new carrots. Dry vegetables are started in cold water. Salt is added only after the vegetables are tender. Fish should be put into hot liquid and allowed to just swimmer. 

5) Poaching
Poaching is cooked slowly in a minimum amount of liquid which should never be allowed to boil but should be just off boil. Fish, fruits and eggs are poached. When poaching eggs, a little vinegar and salt are added to the liquid to help in quicker coagulation and thus prevent disintegration.

6) Steaming 

The food to be cooked is surrounded by plenty of steam from fast boiling water directly or by having the food in a basin or other dish placed in steam or boiling water. This is a slow process of cooking and only easily cooked food can be prepared by this method.

Advantages of steaming
1) Food cooked by this method is easily digested.
2) All nourishment and flavor are kept in the food.
3) Food cannot be easily overcooked.
4) pudding basins and another  containers need not be filled to the top, thus allowing room for to rise and so making food light.

7) Stewing

This is a very gentle method of cooking in a closed pan using only a small quantity of liquid. The food should never be more than half covered with the liquid and the food above this level is thus really cooked by steam. As the liquid is not allowed to boil during cooking the process is a slow one.

Advantages of stewing 
1) Cheap cuts of meat, old fowls and tough or under-ripe fruits may be prepared by this method as the slow, moist method of cooking softens fibres, rendering the food tender
2) Meat and vegetables may be cooked served together , making an appetizing dish, while saving fuel and labour.
3) Stewed food may be cooked in the oven after other food is cooked,
Or it may be cooked on the side of the fire or on a very small gas or oil flame, thus again saving fuel.
4 )All nourishment and flavor are retained so the food is very appetizing.

8) Braising 

This is a combined method of roasting of roasting and stewing in a pan with a tight-fitting. To be strictly correct this method requires a special pan but a casserole dish or stew pan makes a good substitute. The meat should be sealed by browning on all sides and then placed on a lightly fried bed of vegetables (generally root). The flavorings and seasonings are then added. The lid is put on and food is allowed to cook gently on the stove or in the oven. When nearly done the lid is removed and the joint is frequent basted to glaze it. This latter process is always done in the oven.

9) Broiling   

Broiling is cooking by direct heat and is synonymous with grilling. In pan broiling, the food is cooked uncovered on heat metal such as a grill or a frying pan.

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