Food technology

Do you know what is “FOOD TECHNOLOGY” ?

Application of physical and chemical methods of processing foods from the time of harvest,slaughter or catch,during storage and till the time of consumption.the objectives of such processing are
1) Improvement in aesthetic quality leading to better acceptability.
2) Enhancement of nutritive value.
3) prevention of deteriorative changes

Aims and objectives of cooking foods

1) cooking partly sterilizes food.  Above 40 degree c.the growth of bacteria falls off rapidly and in general it ceases above 45 degree C.non-sporing bacteria are killed at temperature above 60 degree C. for varing period time, eg: to make milk safe,it is pasteurized at 63 degree C. for 30 minutes for 15 seconds.boiling kills living cells, with the exception of spores,in a few seconds. spore-bearing bacteria take about 4 to 5 hours of boiling to be destroyed  to destroy them in a shorter period of time higher temperatures must be used.

2) Cooking helps to make food more digestible.complex food are often split into simpler substance during cooking.this helps the body to absorb and utilize the food more readily than if consumed in its raw form.

3)Cooking increase palatability.

4)cooking makes food more attractive in appearance and,therefore,more appetizing
5)Cooking introduces variety.many different types of dishes can be prepared using the same ingredient.

6) Cooking helps to provide a balanced meal. Different ingredients combined together in one dish make it easier to provide a balanced meal.

Food safety is a scientific discipline

 Describing handling, preparation, and storage of food in ways that prevent food borne illness. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards.
Food can transmit disease from person to person as well as serve as a growth medium for bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Debates on genetic food safety include such issues as impact of genetically modified food on health of further generations and genetic pollution of environment, which can destroy natural biological diversity. In developed countries there are intricate standards for food preparation, whereas in lesser developed countries the main issue is simply the availability of adequate safe water, which is usually a critical item. In theory food poisoning is 100% preventable The five key principles of food hygiene, according to WHO, are:

1) Prevent contaminating food with pathogens spreading from people, pets, and pests.
2) Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contaminating the cooked foods.
3)  Cook foods for the appropriate length of time and at the appropriate temperature to kill pathogens.
4) Store food at the proper temperature.
5) Do use safe water and cooked materials.


1) Calorie
Scientifically calorie is an unit of heat required to elevate the temperature of a litre of watre from 15-16 degree Celsius.
Minimum Daily requirement of Calories:
The daily requirement of calories is dependent on age, sex, occupation and the climate. You can find more information about this in the calorie requirement section.

2) Carbohydrates

Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms together form carbohydrates. Divided into three major groups: Mono saccharides (C6H12O6), Di saccharides (C12H22O11), Poly saccharides (C6H10O3)

3) Daily Requirement of Carbohydrates
About 445g og mixed carbohydrates along with sufficient quantity of proteins, minerals, fats, vitamins etc., are daily required for the correct metabolism of the food.
Proteins, Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen atoms together form proteins. There are threes classes of proteins (A,B,C).

4) Daily Requirement of Proteins

55-110 grammes of both A and B class proteins are required though this may vary according to geographic location.
There are many more ingredients like Iron, calcium etc that are present in food but these are the major ones.


Fast foods are quick and easy substitutes for home cooking. But fast foods are almost always high in calories, fat, sugar, and salt.

Some restaurants still use hydrogenated vegetable oils for frying. These oils contain trans fats. These fats increase your risk for heart disease. Some cities have banned or are trying to ban the use of these fats.

Now, many restaurants are preparing foods using other types of fat. Some offer low-calorie choices instead.

Even with these changes, it is hard to eat healthy when you eat out often. Many foods are still cooked with a lot of fat. Many restaurants do not offer any lower-fat foods. Large portions also make it easy to overeat. And few restaurants offer many fresh fruits and vegetables.

In general, people with high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease must be very careful about eating fast food.

When You Go to a Fast- food Restaurant, Knowing the amount of calories, fat, and salt in fast foods can help eat healthier. Many restaurants now offer information about their food. This information is much like the nutrition labels on the food that you buy. If it is not posted in the restaurant, ask an employee for a copy.

In general, eat at places that offer salads, soups, and vegetables.

With pizza, get less cheese. Also pick low-fat toppings such as vegetables. You can dab the pizza with a paper napkin to get rid of a lot of the fat from the cheese.

Healthier sandwiches include regular or junior size lean meats. Adding bacon, cheese, or mayo will increase the fat and calories. Ask for vegetables instead. Select whole-grain breads or bagels. Croissants and biscuits have a lot of fat.

If you want a hamburger, get a single meat patty without cheese and sauce. Ask for extra lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. Limit how many French fries you eat. Ketchup has a lot of calories from sugar. Ask if you can substitute a salad for fries.

Look for meat, chicken, and fish that are roasted, grilled, baked, or broiled. Avoid meats that are breaded or fried. If the dish you order comes with a heavy sauce, ask for it on the side and use just a small amount.

In your salads, avoid high-fat items. Dressing, bacon bits, and shredded cheese all add fat and calories. Choose lettuce and assorted vegetables. Select low-fat or fat-free salad dressings, vinegar, or lemon juice. Ask for salad dressing on the side.

Eat low-fat desserts. A rich dessert can add fun to a well-balanced diet. But eat them only on special occasions.

Order smaller servings when you can. Split some fast-food items to reduce calories and fat. Ask for a "doggy bag." You can also leave the extra food on your plate.

Your food choices can teach your children how to eat healthy, too. Choosing a variety of healthy foods and limiting portion size are key to a healthy diet for anyone.

 You can check this post for few tips for foodies : Tips for food lovers

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