Eggs, Is it good for health ?

Eggs, Is it good for health ?

We can make different types of  food with eggs. Mainly hens eggs are most popular, eggs of turkeys, ducks, geese are also used.

Eggs are also used in various forms in cooking , some of them are……….

1) As a leavening by foam formation to make dish light,as in soufgfles or meringues.
2) for binding, as in egg croquettes.
3)To improve flavor and colour, as in cake.
4) To add to the nutritive value.
5) To decorate and garnish dishes.
6) To enrich a mixture as in the case of rich cakes.
7) As a thickening, as in custards and cooked salad dressing.
8) For emulsification, as in mayonnaise sauce.

9) For coating, as in fried foods.

What happens when egg boils? do you know it ?

The action of heat on proteins accounts for the principal changes that occur when eggs are cooked. Both yolks and whites of eggs coagulate when heated. The temperature at which coagulation begins, the rate of coagulation and the firmness of the gel will depend on . .
  • Intensity of heat.
  • Length of heating period.
  • The presence of added material such as water, milk, sugar, salt.

How to buy fresh eggs ?

The shells of fresh eggs may be either brown or white depending upon the breed of hen producing it. But, irrespective of color, the shell of fresh egg always has a delicate velvety appearance, called “bloom”, that is due to the protective mucous coating which the shell has when the egg is laid. The inner air cell of a fresh egg is small. The contents when broken out from the shell show as upstanding, well-rounded yolk covered with a clinging layer of thick egg white, which, in turn is surrounded  by a relatively smaller amount of thin egg white. The yolk may be either golden or light yellow, depending upon the amount of carotenoid pigments contained in it, and the white is practically colorless or possibly slightly opalescent. There is no odour other than that characteristic of eggs, and when cooked, the flavor will be excellent.

Rules for boiling eggs

I know what you are thinking now.. .  you are thinking,,  what are the  rules for boiling eggs. Aren’t you?
This is not rules, anyone can boil eggs, but to get it perfect you want to know some things………

How to Boil eggs ?

Put enough water into a pan to cover the egg and bring it to the boil. Lower the egg into the water with a metal spoon.
Reduce the heart and cook gently for 3-4 minutes for a lightly cooked egg. For a moderately soft egg, allow 4-5 minutes.
(Tip: For a hard –boiled egg. Allow 10 minutes)
Ducks eggs must be boiled for not less than 14 minutes.
Put the hard- boiled egg into cold water and leave to cool to prevent the formation of dark rings round the yolk.

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