Meat : only for non vegetarians

Meat : only for non vegetarians  

Are you a non vegetarian? you eat meat regularly ? this to know more about different types of meat. And to know more about

The term meat is generally applied only to butcher’s meat-beef, mutton, lamp, pork and kid..
The tenderness of the meat depends on the age and feeding of the animal, on the hanging and preparation after killing. Muscle structures have an effect on the tenderness and the texture of the meat. The skeletal muscles are made up of fibres which are composed of proteins, salts and nitrogenous extractives. The fibres are grouped parallel to each other in bundles held together by connective tissue. The size of the bundles varies with different muscles and determine to some extent the collagenous or white connective tissue and elastic or yellow connective tissue

How to determine the flavor of meat?...

  The flavor of meat is determined by various factors such as feeding, age, sex and maturity. The older the flesh the greater the flavor in most cases; young flesh is not so highly flavored but is sweeter and more tender. Flesh of male animals is stronger in flavor than that of females unless the animal has been castrated. Well developed muscles are usually more strongly flavored, e.g., chicken leg as compared with breast. The
longer the meat is hung the stronger the flavor, owing to certain chemical changes. Meat is hung should not be eaten immediately after killing. It has to be hung till tender. Shortly after death rigor mortise sets in and the muscles stiffen. Meat must be hung at  1 degree to 3 degree at least, till this passes takes at least 3 days but it is much quicker in warmer temperature, varying between 12 to 24 hours. If so desired meat can be hung for a longer period. Not all meats should be hung like this and veal and pork particularly should be eaten fresh. They should also be thoroughly cooked before use.

Varying of taste

Generally speaking, old meat and meat with considerable muscular development will be darker in color and stronger in flavor. The flavor of the meat varies depending on the saltiness and sweetness of the blood, the species, the age and sex of the animal and the degree of maturity when eaten. Another factor is fat. The third factor is fat. Pork and mutton for example, have individual flavors depending on the fat the third factor is the amount of sugar in the meat which on cooking tends to caramelize. Wherever possible select meat which is marbled. This is meat where the fat is interspersed between the muscle
Fibres and connective tissue. This shows good feeding. Marbling helps to keep the meat moist when cooked by dry methods. Marbled meat is also more nutritious. 
There are no special methods of cooking meat and the fundamental methods of cooking can be deftly adapted to suit particular joint. The amount of connective tissue present in the meat determine to a great extent the mothod of cooking. When connective tissue is present in large amounts, the meat, being tough, is cooked by moist methods. For those cuts which have only a small amount of connective tissue, dry heat cooking may be used. Long fibred cuts of meat require longer cooking than short-fibred meat is cooked by dry heat. The most developed muscle fibres are usually the longest and these coarser fibres are found in the legs, neck and till. The shorter fibres are found in the fillet, rump and loin.

Do you  eat good quality of meat every time? Do you know how to check the quality of meat you eat?
How to know the quality of meat? below

Sign of quality   of      Mutton and lamb

a) A good quality animal should be compact and evenly fleshed.
b) The lean flesh should be firm, of a pleasing dull red color and of a fine texture or grain.
c) There should be an even distribution of surface fat, which should be hard, brittle and flaky in structure, and of a clear white color.
d) In a young animal the bone is pink and porous, so that when it is cut, a small amount of blood can be seen. With progressive aging the bones become hard, dense, white and inclined to splinter when chopped.

Sign of quality  of        pork

a) Lean flesh should be pale pink, firm and of a fine texture.
b) the fat should be white, firm, smooth and not excessive.
c) Bones should be small, fine and pinkish.
d) The skin or rind should be smooth.

 Sign of quality  of      Beef

a) The lean meat should be bright red with small flecks of white fat.
b) The fat should be firm, brittle in texture,creamy white in color and odourless. Older animals and dairy breeds have fat which is usually deeper yellow in color.
c) Beef in good condition should have streaks of fat running through the lean section and the flesh should rise again after being pressed with the fingers. Any cuts surface should present a slightly moist appearance to the touch.

Check this and only buy good quality of meat from market. It is good for your health.

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